Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm so jealous of her outfit right now. It looks warm and I am oh so cold right now. Haven't taken off my jacket since I got to the office. Her ensemble appears to be warmer than mine; therefore, the trade. I wish I could I dream of jeannie head bob my way to Southern California right now. I dream of wearing sun dresses, reading a book underneath the shade of a tree, running/biking on the trails, playing in the park, grilling out, picnics, volleyball, swimming, iced coffee and ice cream, mowing my parents lawn... These are a few of my favorite things! 

Until it warms up I will sit at my desk. Coated. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Don't be that guy or girl

One of my favorite parts of the day is knowing that it's almost time to go home. Especially when I go to work after work. Last night was a work after work night since I closed at the mall. When 9:00 comes I'm ready to close the doors and prepare to go home. However, this hope is quickly ruined when a customer walks in at 8:59. 

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. It instantly puts me in a scrooge mood. I think it's so rude! I have to bite my tongue and control my temper, but I really want to ask them to leave and come back during store hours. The customer was very sweet, but that doesn't overrule this rude act. To speed things along I asked if there was anything she was looking for or anything that I could help her find. Of course not. She's just browsing. I believe she said, "I'm just going to try on a few things and then be out of here. We all need to get home." At this point I have been working for twelve hours. Selfishly, I want to go home now and she ruined it for me. I'm generally an upbeat and positive person. I had to play nice at this point. 

I realize that in the general scheme of things this is not a big deal at all. But, it's still rude. Moral of the story, don't go into a place of business when they are about to close just to browse. If you have ever worked in retail you understand where I am coming from. Please be respectful of other people's time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Seeking the Son

From the time I left the womb I have been extremely independent. I don't see it as a bad thing. However, with independence comes pride. Kind of the tragic flaw of it all. This weekend God reminded me that it's okay to be dependent. 

My friend, Alyssa and I went for a relaxing run on Saturday. It was the first t-shirt weather day in March. Summer is almost here friends! Anyways, I'm a visual person and God speaks to me a lot through visual metaphors. Alyssa was moving some plants from the cool darkness of the shade on her steps to the warm light of the sun. One of the plants was physically leaning away from the house and into the sun. It was growing this way. The plant knows that it needs the sun and seeks it out. Like a child, the plant isn't worried about what will happen tomorrow. It finds what it needs day to day. 

Seeing this plant reminded me that God takes care of the lilies and the sparrows. He surely will take care of His children even more. Why spend time and energy worrying about what may never come? I know that I, and I'm sure others, need to learn how to live in the moment a little more. To forget all other distractions and seek out God's light. To find comfort that the darkness will not last and that we have friends who will guide us back to God's light and warmth and love. To loose our pride and be obedient and learn to depend on others, especially God. Let Him be your source of strength. See His light through the darkness that tries to hide it.

This weekend's sermon was about realizing how much God loves us. We've all made mistakes and often times there are people who remind us of what we've done. The good news is that God loves us way beyond our sins. He doesn't criticize us. We do that to ourselves. Never feeling like we're worthy enough. Jesus covers our sins and God loves us beyond and through them. There is nothing we can say or do to make God love us any more or any less. I pray that you find comfort in that and like a plant seek the son.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Quick catch up

Brandon Heath 

Favorite worship moment of the night

Kristie and I

It's beautiful outside today! I love sunny weather. I still stand by the statement that I was supposed to be born in California. Not sure why my ancestors decided to stop midway. Keep going clan! It gets even better! 

Last Friday I went to a Third Day/Brandon Heath concert in Spencer, IA with Kristie and Bobbi. We were all starving when we drove into town and wanted to find a cute local place to eat. Almost ate at a MSG filled, bars on the window, chinese restaurant. I think the building had rabies. Thankfully we ended up at a super cute Mexican place in downtown. The food was delicious and so was the conversation. 

The concert ROCKED! An Australian band, Revive, opened the show for everyone. I could listen to them speak all day. Love accents, unfortunately don't have one. Next to hit the stage was my favorite musician, Brandon Heath! I love, Love, LOVE his music! He's super talented! I got to meet him after the concert and was smitten. Love him even more after talking to him. Third Day, of course, rocked the house. It was a night full of fellowship, fun and worship! Check out the pics above to see just how exquisite the evening was :)
We had a super foggy drive home, which seemed like a death wish but we made it. PTL! Through the fog came the clarity that Bobbi and I are related. Crazy, huh?! Her aunt married my great-uncle. Such a small world. 

This weekend I have the St. Patty's Day five miler on Saturday and then I'm peacing out of here to go and help my parents with their Spring bull sale on Sunday. I haven't been home since Christmas. It's going to be a great break and I look forward to the home cooking ;) Always a bonus for going home, right? 

Friday, March 6, 2009

You Bring Me Joy

In the last chapter of Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz, there is a man who loves Jesus so much that when asked about his relationship with Christ the man simply begins to weep. I truly believe that actions speak louder than words. This is a beautiful example of that. 

For the season of Lent some of the members of my church, The Crossing, are doing a Daniel Fast. (See Daniel 1 for an example of the fast. I actually encourage reading the whole book. It's one of the many testaments of God's faithfulness.) With this we are eating fruits, vegetables and drinking only water. I've had a lot of people call this a diet. It's not a diet. A fast is denying the flesh in order to grow deeper in devotion to Christ. Fasting is one area of my spiritual life that I've been horrible at. I seem to find reasons as to why I can't do it at this moment, but I felt God calling me to do this fast, which we are calling The Return. Inspired by the verse Joel 2:12.

This has been difficult, but oh so rewarding. I didn't realize how captive I had become to this world and the things, just things, it has to offer. I feel free from that now. I have a couple of specifics that I am praying for during the fast. God has continually blessed me through this. It's incredible how much my relationship and desire for Christ has grown in just over a week. I feel like I could simply cry when thinking about how much I love HIM! I'm really excited for what the rest of this season brings. I think it will be an incredible time of unity for The Crossing. We are going to be meeting as a group every Saturday at the Firehouse Underground from 7-9 for prayer and worship. God is going to move in big ways! He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.

Tonight, I'm going with a friend from work, Kristie, and her friend, Bobbi, to a Brandon Heath/Third Day concert. I am undeniably excited to see Brandon Heath, who I jokingly call my boyfriend :) However, what I'm really looking forward to is that it's going to be more than a concert. It's going to be a worship service, which makes my heart leap with joy! I want to praise the Lord for who He is and all He has done and continues to do. It's going to be exquisite :)
