Monday, December 22, 2008

I have a problem...

While out Christmas shopping I keep finding and buying stuff for myself. Not just a couple of things. I dare to say that I have bought a plethora of things for myself. Yes, a plethora! (Such a great word.) My addiction is Aerie. The whole store is on sale AND everything is buy one get one 50% off. I can't stop. I have been in there three out of the past four days, and each time I buy at least two things. I need to quit. This is an intervention for me, with me, by me. STOP SHOPPING!

My most recent offense was last night. Karen, Tommy and I were watching White Christmas and paused it to run to the mall to go to Aerie. Why is everyone enabling my recent addiction? Anyways, the funny thing was that we were all wearing our favorite Aerie or AE pjs. We looked like Aerie models. 

Warning: During our car dancing a new move was invented by Miss Karen Sumner. The Nutcracker. It must only be used around Christmas. To learn this inspirational move please contact Karen, Tommy or me. Don't be disappointed if you aren't able to master it right away. It requires rhythm and advanced technique. Don't lie. We live in the midwest. Rhythm doesn't come naturally to most of us Scandinavians. 

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