Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's freezing outside, and that's not an expression. Reality check is that if you're outside today without gloves for 60 seconds you WILL have frostbite. FREEZING! I can't even remember what it feels like to be warm. 

This makes me ask a lot of why's. 

Why do I choose to live in the arctic tundra?

Why don't I move to a warmer climate? (I was made to live on the beach)

Why did my ancestor's stop in South Dakota and decide to flag the land?

I. Don't. Know. One thing is certain. Words cannot express the bitterness of this weather. It can only be described in the sound effects of chattering teeth, creaky car doors, and other 'cold noises.' It even hurts to breath outside.

* FYI: sound travels faster in the cold. 

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