Friday, April 3, 2009

Live and love

The ultimate goal of an actor is to lose themselves in the moment. That is the greatest success. However, in today's world do we actually ever live in the moment? Do we really take the time to appreciate what we are given now? 

For example, today is the most beautiful day of the week. It's supposed to hit 50 this afternoon! Tomorrow it's supposed to be another Spring Blizzard. I'm finding that's what we focus on instead of soaking up the blessings we've been given today. I am totally guilty of what I will refer to as, chronic unsatisfaction. 

How tragic it is that we all to often miss out on the beauty before us because we're ultimately fixed on the future. 

It's sad that we're so quick to grow-up. Jesus says that we are to have faith like a child. I look at this photo of my cousins from Christmas and am reminded of the honesty of children. There is no in-between emotion for them. They fully embody joy, pain, hurt, laughter, tears, adventure. They're curious and seek the truth. They aren't scared of rejection. They don't worry about tomorrow. They do what they want, appropriate or not. They fully love. I want to experience childhood again. I'm sick of the rules and regulations we have created for ourselves. The lies the world tells us of who we ought to be, how we ought to act, and what success is. I successfully fail at what the world expects of me. We weren't created for this world anyways. We were wonderfully made for so much more than this! I want to break off the chains of expectation and recklessly love.    

With Easter around the corner my heart is overwhelmed with how recklessly God loves a fool like me to send his only son to die for me. I am called to love Him and my neighbor with my whole heart, which I fail at every day. I choose myself over others all to often. Lord help me to forget about me. I'm not as important as I think I am. 

There is a video on youtube that brings me to tears every time I watch it. It's a father completing an iron man while he is pushing, pulling, carrying his son who has cerebral palsy. It's a reminder to me of the love a father has for his child. To think that God loves us even more moves me to share that love with others.

This weekend may not bring what we want. Shame on us for being so selfish. Take the time today to breath deeply, listen to the robins sing, and walk a little slower so you can enjoy the warmth of the sunshine and the kiss of a warm breeze. God took the time to create it for YOU! For once, live in the moment and be satisfied.

Live for today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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