Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why can't I quit you Michael?

It's one of those moments that you will always remember. Where you were...What you were doing...How you felt. News that took the whole world by surprise. 

I first read about it on Twitter. The post read, "Apparently Michael Jackson had a cardiac arrest around 30 minutes ago." Not willing to let one post fully shake me I clicked on my cnn.com bookmark to get the real story. Only to find out it was true. I went back to Twitter to read, "MJ died." WHAT!?! Okay, that's so not funny. CNN says nothing about that. This person must have the wrong information. I seriously refreshed the CNN website every 15 seconds for a good 20 minutes and the headline hadn't changed from, Michael Jackson has cardiac arrest. I had to work at the mall after work. (Oh, the joy of being a poor 20 something.) I called my mom to have her check out the news stations and keep me updated. She called me back as I was just walking into Banana Republic. Telling me MJ had died. I was crushed. People at work thought something happened to a relative of mine. I reacted the same way when I heard Johnny Cash had died. 

To clarify, I did not agree or support all of Michael's personal life choices. But you have to admit, he was an incredible artist and entertainer. I remember trying to perfect his moves as a kid. Something I'm still working on. Who can forget the first time Michael did the moonwalk?! (Click here to see a montage of Michael's best dance moves. I've already watched it multiple times.)

After work that night I stayed up way too late watching CNN remember Michael. This has turned into an unhealthy obsession. I can't quite reading stories, watching the Jackson Five movie, watching people talk about it, listening to his music. I fear I've gone too far, but I can't quit...

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